Fitter And Better You - #1 rated Wellness, Fitness and Health E-Book

Fitter And Better You - #1 rated Wellness, Fitness and Health E-Book

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Let's walk through some areas of wellness, fitness & overall good health that each and every person should strive to attain.

Most individuals do not take the time to completely understand the advantages of being both fit and well. We read and absorb the information we're given through the media and health organizations, without ever pondering if we're receiving all the information we need, or simply the part that is profitable to be seen or heard. Fitness gyms need your monthly fees in order to remain operational. Physical fitness is a condition of the body alone. Let's not leave out important pieces that affect your wellness and, therefore, your ability to be fit...

This is why keeping our bodies well, fit, and healthy keeps us in a reception mode to accurately process input from the outside world. It is through this accurate perception of intake that we are able to deal effectively with the world around us. All this culminates to come to this statement: in order to keep ourselves healthy and well, we must be able to accurately process input from the world around us. It is when we lose perspective, and don't accurately see things as they really are that we are more likely to experience feelings of ill-health, mental unrest, and this can lead to actually becoming ill.

The body includes all of our physical processes, our mind, and our physical being as a whole. When we give thought to the fitness of the body, most often we contemplate our physical condition as it applies to our cardiovascular needs and our weight. But our bodies are much more than heart and a nice figure. Daily physical exercise that benefits the body as a whole, taking time to rest and restore what has been depleted from our body over the course of the day, and making sure that we adequately supply our entire body with the nutrition necessary for healthy function...

We must remember over the course of our daily routine, to make time to maintain mental fitness, as we strive to maintain physical fitness. The nice thing about the whole process is that, as we go about accomplishing these tasks, quite often the opportunities for preservation and care are interchangeable. We can help to quite our mind as we take our twenty minute walk. Or we have the opportunity to build muscle strength as we meditate.

Learning new things forces our mind to form new neural pathways. We need those neural pathways for the transmission of information from the body to the mind, or with our ability to form new memories. There's also the added benefit of being able to participate as a productive citizen, well into our retirement years. For many older citizens, keeping their bodies and minds fit means that they are also able to continue to interact in their chosen work profession, keeping them continually active, and serving as a continued source of enjoyment.


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What's included in The Fitter and Better You E-Book:

  • The Blissful Union of Wellness and Fitness
  • Interchangeability of Wellness, Fitness and Health
  • The Quality of Life - Is Health Important
  • Wellness Terminology
  • How Do We Evaluate Wellness
  • What Are Your Wellness Needs
  • Wellness of the Body, Spirit & Mind
  • Meditation for the Wellness of Ourselves
  • Quiet Reflection - A B12 Shot for the Spirit
  • Fitness Terminology
  • What Are Your Fitness Needs
  • Energy Levels for the Fit
  • Metabolism - What Is It
  • Metabolism for the Fit Individual
  • Can We Control Metabolism
  • Obesity in Adolescents
  • Fitness of the Body, Mind & Spirit
  • Where You Live Affects Your Fitness
  • Fitness Centers - An Investigation
  • Does Your Income Affect Your Health
  • Roles Our Intelligence Play in Our Health
  • What Role Does Nutrition Play in Our Health
  • Is There Health Without Water
  • Vitamins: To Be or Not to Be
  • How the Brain Affects Our Health
  • What Are Your Nutritional Needs
  • Exercise and Play - What Do We Learn
  • The Benefits of Walking
  • The Mind, Body and Soul Interconnectivity
  • Chiropractic Care - Some Benefits
  • Acupuncture: A Benefit to the Well Individual
  • The Benefits of Being Well & Fit
  • Where You Live Affects Your Wellness
  • Music: Our Connection to the Higher Conscious
  • The Yin and Yang of the Healthy Individual
  • Is Your Mind Playing Tricks
  • And Much More!

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